A young boy is seen attempting to scale his mother’s coffin for a final embrace in a heartbreaking picture from the Philippines that has gone viral. The picture, which was taken at his mother’s funeral, captures the profound sorrow of losing a parent at such a young age.
The woman’s family posted the picture on Facebook, and it immediately won people over all over the world. When a child asks, “Why doesn’t Mommy sleep next to me anymore?,” how do we respond? Our hearts shatter.
Perfect Media claims that the child brought a chair so he could climb the casket and give his mother a farewell hug since he was desperate to say goodbye. This striking picture captures the unadulterated suffering that kids go through when a parent passes away.
No child should have to experience such a terrible loss at such a young age. Because life is brittle and uncertain, the picture serves as a reminder to love and appreciate your loved ones every single day.